This image is the cover for the book Improper Companion, The Hellfire Mysteries

Improper Companion, The Hellfire Mysteries

Daniel, Earl of Cavendish, finds the frivolity of the ton dull after the adventures and hardship of the Peninsular War. But boredom rapidly disappears when he's drawn into the mystery surrounding the abduction of gently bred girls.

His investigation endangers his mother's new companion, Miss Elizabeth Travers. Although she is tainted by scandal, her cool and collected response commands Daniel's respect—while her beauty demands so much more.

The Hellfire Mysteries Three daring gentlemen who'll brave all for the sake of the women they love!

Anne Herries

Linda Sole was started writing in 1976 and writing as Anne Herries, won the 2004 RNA Romance Award and the Betty Neels Trophy. Linda loves to write about the beauty of nature, though they are mostly about love and romance. She writes for her own enjoyment and loves to give pleasure to her readers. In her spare time, she enjoys watching the wildlife that visits her garden. Anne has now written more  fifty books for HMB.  You can visit her website at:

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