This image is the cover for the book PSI Spies

PSI Spies

"In PSI Spies, Jim Marrs has provided the original report on the U.S. Army's use of psychic remote viewing as an intelligence tool." —Whitley Strieber   Learn the Truth About Our Military's Psychic SoldiersPSI Spiestakes you behind the scenes of the U.S. Army's formerly top-secret remote viewing unit to see how the military has used this psychic ability as a tool and a weapon. Even though remote viewing was developed by various tax-supported government agencies, including the CIA, most Americans have never heard of this faculty.   In the 1970s, with the support of Congress, the Army formed a small unit of remote viewers to spy for America. These soldiers/psychic spies gained penetrating knowledge about a wide variety of subjects. They were consulted to stop a Soviet plot to kill President Ronald Reagan. They mentally prowled the halls of the Kremlin. They probed Iraq's hidden weapons sites in preparation for the 1991 Gulf War.   From insights into our future to the continuing mysteries of UFOs and crop circles, no subject has been immune to the military remote viewers—America's Psi Spies. And now, in this book, you can also find tips on how to remote view on your own.

Jim Marrs

Jim Marrs is an award-winning journalist and author. After graduating from the University of North Texas with a degree in journalism, Marrs worked for and owned several Texas newspapers before becoming an independent journalist/author. Marrs is the author of The New York Times best-sellers Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy, the basis for the Oliver Stone film JFK, and Rule by Secrecy. His in-depth overview of the UFO phenomenon, Alien Agenda, is the best-selling non-fiction book on UFOs in the world, having been translated into several foreign languages. He is a frequent guest on several nationwide radio talk-show programs and television programs.

Career Press, Incorporated