This image is the cover for the book Thirteen Years Fostered

Thirteen Years Fostered

Too many children are placed within the foster system all across the world. This book is based on the life of just one of those children.

There are many circumstances that lead a child to be removed from their home life. Not one child has the same experience, and not one of them is brought into the world with the same variables. Each experience deserves to be told, one by one. Some people get to the point that shows how unprepared they are to parent a child. With those issues only growing with time, it affects their child. The foster system gets notified, although not always when they should, and the child is removed in hopes of a better home life, which is not always the case. With so many different adults in ones life, it can at times become difficult with so many varying opinions and views on how one should behave and live.

The proposed idea of foster care is definitely needed, but the problem lies with the people who arent prepared to deal with these children. Already coming from troubled homes, the children need extra care, patience, and attention. Its the responsibility of the foster parents and caseworkers, regardless of their caseloads, to give each child the care they deserve and are promised while being taken from their homes. These children need and rely on help in order to grow within society so they can build a life away from the wrongs in the world.

Casey Hardman

Prior to grade four, Casey was illiterate. Reading and writing had always been a huge struggle, and it wasn’t until he was in grade five that he felt comfortable. For so long he had to practice his reading and writing skills while thinking he would never get the hang of it. He had to get in the habit of writing as much as possible, just to get himself to grade level, and it was then that he started writing all the time. Whether Casey’s writing style may be fragmented, one thing that he is certain of is that writing isn’t a burden or a chore but a blessing in his life. With time, Casey found that writing was the best way to express himself when needing to communicate with others. He felt as though it was easier to present all that he was feeling and thinking with the written word. There is always room for growth, and that is exactly what Casey hopes to accomplish with his true passion, writing.

Austin Macauley Publishers