This image is the cover for the book Sophie Sparrow and Friends to the Rescue

Sophie Sparrow and Friends to the Rescue

Oh, no! The horrific storm destroyed Cora and Charlie Cardinal’s nest. Sweet Sophie Sparrow wants to do something to help her friends. Sophie will ask Miss Sapphire, the beautiful Blue Jay with magical powers, for help. Her magic can fix anything. To Sophie’s dismay, Miss Sapphire has already migrated South. Holy Feathers! What will Sophie Sparrow do now without Miss Sapphire’s help and her magical ways? Sophie Sparrow and Friends to the Rescue is a delightful, heartwarming story with beautiful illustrations sprinkled with a touch of whimsy. Imagine Habitat for Humanity but Bird-Style! All your favorite characters from Sophie Sparrow Wants to Be a Flamingo are back. In addition, some new and lovable characters have joined the charming ensemble. This adorable community of birds will remind you that a kind heart is the best type of magic!

Andrea Hyatt, Baran Sabahi

Inspiration for Sophie Sparrow and Friends to the Rescue came to Andrea when she was walking and saw a huge, fallen tree split in two by a terrible thunderstorm. Immediately, Andrea thought of her endearing character, Sophie Sparrow, from Sophie Sparrow Wants to Be a Flamingo. What would sweet Sophie do if a friend lost their nest in a tragic storm? Andrea knew that Sophie, a determined and kind bird, would want to help somehow. Andrea's vision for this fun sequel was Habitat for Humanity Bird Style! Her curious cat, Ivy, gives this charming, uplifting book five meows. Ivy can't stop looking at all the beautiful bird-filled pages. Heartwarming books by Andrea Hyatt include Juliette's Web, Santa's Nice List, and Sophie Sparrow Wants to Be a Flamingo. Coming Soon: Goldie and the Three Kind Bears

Austin Macauley Publishers