This image is the cover for the book Bertie’s Amazing Tales

Bertie’s Amazing Tales

Dear Reader,
Bertie was inspired by my own daughter, Ellen, whose daddy always called her ‘Bertie’ when she was little (and indeed, even when she was not so little!)
These stories are often, but not always, based on things that happened to Ellen as she was growing up ... I will leave it to you to decide which events are real, which are made up and which are a mixture of both.
Great-Aunt Jacinda’s house was a very real place ... as are Bertie’s many, many cousins. Again, I have mixed reality and imagination with most of the characters in the stories ... and as before, it is for you to decide where reality ends and imagination takes over – or should that be the other way around?
So, I hope you enjoy reading about Bertie and I hope Ellen’s memories of her childhood are as magical as Bertie’s.
With love ... and keep reading!
Moya Banks
PS: Pirates for ever!

Moya Banks

Moya Banks was born in Bristol in 1956 and grew up in Rotherhithe, SE London. She qualified as an English teacher in 1978 and taught for many years in London secondary schools. Moya latterly worked on the Teach First programme training future English teachers until she retired in 2016. The Bertie Stories are her first foray into writing and are inspired by her daughter, Ellen.
Hopefully these tales will encourage children to engage with books and reading … now, that would be amazing!