This image is the cover for the book Live Your Truth

Live Your Truth

Live Your Truth is an empowering and healing journey that helps readers free themselves, find self-fulfillment, and release their ultimate potential.

Colleen Gallagher created a life filled with subconscious anger and guilt as well as a persistent sense of unworthiness after being diagnosed with cancer at age fourteen because it allowed her to blame the world for her own unhappiness. 

Then, at age twenty-three, she had enough. She wanted to figure out how to live the life she truly desired, to turn cancer into a gift and truly find out why she was here. Colleen quit her job, moved across the world to New Zealand and healed herself with love. This experience―and the new openness it ushered in―revealed to her that many people live every day in subconscious negativity which holds them back from their true and unlimited potential. Now she’s telling her powerful story to spark The Intoxicator Movement. An Intoxicator creates the space to look within, removes the toxic, and becomes what’s left of their truth in the world. 

Live Your Truth challenges and empowers readers to undertake their own journey through this five-step process to not only find their truth but to start to live it, too.

Colleen Gallagher

Colleen Gallagher is an Intuitive Business Consultant. She has survived childhood cancer, is a Global Citizen, a passionate advocate for equality, and an academic who is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Psychology with a focus on Global Leadership and Change. She has received her BA in Marketing and MS in Global Technology and Development. She is an author of multiple books, yet her greatest success is seeing her clients overcome their life challenges and create a business that impacts the world in a way that feels good for them. Colleen empowers leaders and businesses to come to a newfound clarity of their mission, so that they can better understand their gifts while taking calculated action to grow their businesses. Her work involves teaching leaders how to use their voices on social media to attract opportunities, create freedom, and impact the world. Currently, Colleen resides in Los Angeles, California.

Morgan James Publishing