This image is the cover for the book House Ravenin - The Folded Path

House Ravenin - The Folded Path

The world is always changing, each step uncertain as the old ways and the new collide in a struggle for supremacy. Yet even the most well-paced paths sometimes turn in odd directions, the rumble of discontent along the western border leading to bloody clashes against the advancing world slowly encroaching upon the once open wilds.

As Crissone lies in flames and the tenuous peace between elven and human people threatens to collapse, the slaves taken in from the attack and sold to the estates are not what they seem to be.

It is here beneath the roof of House Ravenin that the lives of all hang in the balance, the arcing destinies of singular lives quietly merging together to decide the fate of an unsuspecting people. Each has their own part to play out, the Folded Path watchful upon all who grace its stones.

As poisonous secrets are revealed and true natures rise to the surface, careful hands begin to unravel a deadly mystery in hopes of staving off a greater, more sinister threat.

Bryce Edwards

Bryce Edwards lives in Illinois with his wife and daughter. As an avid gamer and lover of fantasy fiction, it was these mediums that drew him into the world of fanfiction novel writing before trying his hand at his own world development. He hopes to move into being a full-time author and complete the many projects he has started.

Austin Macauley Publishers