This image is the cover for the book The Story of Silk, Correct Times

The Story of Silk, Correct Times

Excerpt: "Father once told me he had known of a lot of silkworms that stopped eating and died because a sudden noise frightened them," observed Pierre. "Such a calamity is not at all unusual, Pierre," returned his mother. "And more than that, if anything alarms them after they have begun to spin they will frequently snap the thread of their cocoon and refuse to spin any more; if they do[24] continue the interruption causes a lump, or rough place, in the filament so that it is imperfect and has to be broken and tied. In consequence the silk is poorer and brings a lower price. So you see how really important it is not to jar their sensitive nerves."

Sara Ware Bassett

Sara Ware Bassett (1872 – 1968) was an American author of fiction and nonfiction. Her novels primarily deal with New England characters, and most of them are set in two fictional Cape Cod villages she created, Belleport and Wilton. Her first novel, "Mrs. Christy's Bridge Party", was published in 1907. She subsequently wrote more than 40 additional novels, continuing to write and publish into the late 1950s. Many of her novels focus on love stories and humorously eccentric characters. (Wikipedia)

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