This image is the cover for the book The Plan

The Plan

Abuse in every form… physical, psychological, sexual, emotional and even spiritual... descends upon her. A story of facing down demons, both inner and those that seek you out. They come under the cover of darkness. A battle bordering on unbelief… Can it be survived or do you succumb to the evil that continually surrounds you, that seeks to possess you..? Not a fight, not an altercation, but a war to the death. There is no way to come out of this unscathed. The scars will be plentiful, but invisible. The fight has lasted decades, but these hellish forces did not count on her endurance. After what the darkness considered successful attacks, after knocking her down so many times, robbing her of every conceivable ounce of hope, snatching away her dignity, convincing her that her time had run out… they never saw it coming. When you are drowning… you learn to walk on water…

Sandra O'Gwin

Sandra has many hobbies, a few of them are collecting Barbie dolls (and at last count there were 251!) as well as writing songs, both lyrics and melody, and has actually performed at area churches. Sandra loves public speaking and writes something every day. Spending most of her waking hours on the computer, either working on a book, inspirational writings, or poetry, she is busy most of the time and would not have it any other way.

Austin Macauley Publishers