Strategies and success stories: “A must read for media practitioners, consumers, and progressives of all stripes.” —Chris Hayes
In the twenty-first century, a new breed of networked progressive media—from Brave New Films to Talking Points Memo to Feministing and beyond—have informed and engaged millions, influencing political campaigns, public debates, and policymaking at unprecedented levels.
In Beyond the Echo Chamber, media experts Jessica Clark and Tracy Van Slyke tell the story of the rise of progressive media and lay out a clear, hard-hitting theory of ongoing impact. A vital strategic guide based on years of research and extensive interviews with key media players and new media experts, Beyond the Echo Chamber will change the national conversation about progressive media and the future of journalism itself. For progressive journalists, bloggers, producers, activists, citizens, and policymakers committed to change, here is a roadmap to victory.
Jessica Clark is the research director at American University’s Center for Social Media and the former executive editor at In These Times. Her twitter is: @samizdata. Tracy Van Slyke is the director of The Media Consortium and is the former publisher of In These Times. Her twitter is @tracyvs. Follow them online at