This image is the cover for the book Primitive Manners and Customs, Classics To Go

Primitive Manners and Customs, Classics To Go

Excerpt: "‘From the myths characteristic of savage tribes, from their beliefs, their proverbs, their political and social regulations, it is here sought to gain some general estimate of their powers of intelligence and imagination, their moral ideas, and their religion; subjects naturally of much interest and inevitably of some dispute. For the reason that in savagery as in civilisation there are heights and depths, with more of light here, more of darkness there, it is quite impossible to bring the whole of savage life into focus at once, so that every general conclusion can only be taken as true within limits. The field to be studied is also so large and diversified, that no two minds can expect to derive from it the same impressions, nor to attain to more than partial truth about it. But since the savage can never hope to be heard in court himself, it is only fair to start with certain considerations[vi] which he would be entitled to urge, and which deserve to weigh in any judgment made regarding him."

James Anson Farrer

James Anson Farrer (24 July 1849 - 21 June 1925), best known as James A. Farrer was an English barrister and writer.

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