This image is the cover for the book Season for Grace, The Brothers' Bond

Season for Grace, The Brothers' Bond

The moment they met, social worker Mia Carano knew Officer Collin Grace was the perfect mentor for a runaway teen in her care. After all, the boy looked up to him, and desperately needed a role model.

Though a childhood spent in foster care had hardened Collin, Mia would reveal the caring man she knew was inside. After all, breaking through his gruff exterior would fulfill a boy's Christmas wishÂ…and maybe even her own.

Linda Goodnight

New York Times bestseller Linda Goodnight fell in love with words as a young child when her mother took her to a tiny library and let her fill a cardboard box with books. The next week she was back again, forever hooked on the beauty and power of the written word. Her other passions are her faith and her blended family. A former nurse and teacher, she lives in Oklahoma with her husband where she enjoys baking and travel. Connect with Linda at
