In the depths of time, an ancient organization has silently protected humanity from the shadows. From the legendary Knights of Camelot to the enigmatic Knights Templar, they have endured across centuries, ensuring mankind’s safety. Presently known as The Darkness Organisation, they sacrifice their existence in the darkness so that humanity can thrive in the light. Their solemn duty lies in shielding mankind from the unimaginable creatures of lore: dragons, werewolves, and vampires—mythical beings that periodically slip through a rift in space, bridging the gap between our world and theirs. These incursions have given birth to the legends that have echoed through time. At the heart of the turmoil, their leader, Michael, grapples with unrequited love, consumed by a pain that clouds his judgment. The world teeters on the edge, besieged by relentless incursions. The otherworldly realm sets its sights on Earth, seeking its bountiful resources to sustain the myriad beings that dwell within. Amidst rampant disease, unchecked werewolf and vampire rampages, and the fiery destruction wrought by dragons, Michael faces an overwhelming predicament. With a dwindling team by his side, he joins forces with the UK government, desperately seeking a solution to save them all. Michael and his dedicated team must unearth a path to triumph, for failure will mark the end of humanity. As darkness rises and hope dwindles, they stand as the last line of defence against annihilation.
John K Michaels is a well-known criminal investigative lawyer and consulting prosecutor who has specialised in many areas over the years. He travels up and down the country as part of his work and has a wide range of experience to draw upon. His past writing has been within the non-fiction area, primarily for training investigators across the United Kingdom. This is his first published work of fiction but will not be his last. John currently lives in Reading, Berkshire with his family.