This image is the cover for the book Family Portraits

Family Portraits

After a sunset concert at the pavilion, they walked home by the harbor. Finn asked her to sit for a while with him, and then he declared himself. He took her hand and said, “Molly, my beautiful one, I have loved you from the time I moved into your family’s house. I can’t hold back any longer, and I am asking if you would consider being my wife.”

Her eyes widened with surprise, and then she said, “I love you more than anything, and I want to be with you forever.”

JoAnn Aitken

JoAnn Aitken has lived all her life in Hamilton, Ontario. She worked for many years at a local community college and has always enjoyed travel. A 2015 trip to Ireland brought together some ideas which became Family Portraits. She describes writing the book as “easy” once she got started. As the end of the story approached, she found it hard to let go. She hopes her readers will feel the same.

Austin Macauley Publishers