This image is the cover for the book Art - The Path To Knowledge

Art - The Path To Knowledge

A university must produce and organize knowledge. Indeed, this fact does not seem to suffer disputes. However, what is the knowledge that a university produces and disseminates? In this short essay, which serves as a conceptual basis for a wide-ranging epistemological discussion, the authors propose questions about knowledge, whose answers have been sought by the contemporary academy. However, the research is more focused on questions than on answers. The important thing is to ask the right questions. We invite the members of the academic community to participate in this theoretical reflection on knowledge, in order to support our research activities, extension, teaching and graduate studies. The growing and unstable transformations the world has been going through are reflected directly in production, recording and distribution of knowledge, not to mention the value changes that the traditional knowledge has suffered, as it is hastily abandoned by unfounded news. Revisiting the concepts that form the bases of our science serves to verify their validity, effectiveness and socioeconomic, political and cultural importance. Courage to re-examine openly the beliefs that we embrace in the practice of our sciences is the virtue that defines, par excellence, the academic researcher. “If Biology can save the humans and the Earth, the arts can save the soul…” (Luiz Fernando Pereira) “When I examine myself and my methods of thought, I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than any talent for abstract, positive thinking.” A. Einstein.

Luiz Fernando Pereira

LUIZ FERNANDO PEREIRA – Majored in Biology from PUCPR in 1981, MSc in Biochemistry from UFPR in 1991 and PhD in Biochemistry/Bioenergetics, from UFPR in 1999. Professor at PUCPR and FAP (UNESPAR). Experience in physiology and biochemistry. Works on themes toxicology, blood vessels, and electrical phenomena activity on the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM). Emeritus editor of Biology Studies (ISSN 0102 – 2067). MARCOS H. CAMARGO – Lato sensu graduate in History of Contemporary Thought from PUCPR in 1987, Economics and Sociology from PUCPR in 1988, Master in Communication and Languages from Tuiuti University in 2003 and PhD in Visual Arts from UNICAMP Institute of Arts in 2010. Postdoc from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro at the School of Communication graduate program. Professor at the Arts College of Parana (UNESPAR), where he teaches Philosophy, Aesthetics and Semiotics. Has experience in the area of Communication, Semiotics and Languages, with emphasis on Aesthetics. SOLANGE STECZ – PhD in Education from UFSCAR. Master in History from UFPR. Member of the Brazilian National Committee of the Memory of the World Program, UNESCO – MOWBRASIL. Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Arts of the State University of Paraná (UNESPAR). Professor at the Film and Video Course at UNESPAR/FAP. Counsellor for the audio-visual area of the Culture State Council of Paraná (2020/2022). National Secretary at the Research Centre of Brazilian Cinema (CPCB) Director of the Cinematheque of Curitiba (2008/2013).

Austin Macauley Publishers