This image is the cover for the book Limitless You

Limitless You

Limitless You helps those seeking to live fully become more self-aware of their emotions and thoughts, by identifying the tricks and traps of the mind and creating the life they deserve to live.

Every person is born with a beautiful purpose for their lives; yet past experiences, societal expectations, and accumulated trauma leave many feeling unworthy and fearful of pursuing their passions. The tricks and traps of the brain can convince anyone to move through life with their heads down, eyes glazed, but according to Holly Wynn, human beings aren't meant to go through the motions!

Too many interpret their inner voice saying, "I can't live like this anymore," as instruction to remove themselves from this life altogether, rather than an invitation to take steps toward meaningful changes to make life better. In the aftermath of COVID-19's "new normal," personal loss and tragedy are far too common, leaving individuals feeling trapped. In Limitless You, Holly Wynn encourages readers to take action, unlocking the door to their heart and embracing the purpose they were meant for.

Holly Wynn

Morgan James Publishing