This image is the cover for the book Astounding Stories Of Super Science July 1930, Classics To Go

Astounding Stories Of Super Science July 1930, Classics To Go

Astounding Stories Of Super Science July 1930 features seven Classic Science Fiction Stories from the "Golden Age of Science Fiction". Contents and short description: "Beyond The Heaviside Layer" by Capt. S.P. Meek: For Eighty Vertical Miles Carpenter and Bond Blasted Their Way—Only to Be Trapped by the Extraordinary Monsters of the Heaviside Layer."Earth, The Marauder" by Arthur J. Burks: Out of Her Orbit Sped the Teeming Earth—A Marauding Planet Bent on Starry Conquest.(Beginning a Three-part Novel.), "From The Amber Block" by Tom Curry: A Giant Amber Block at Last Gives Up Its Living, Ravenous Prey, "The Terror Of Air Level Six" by Harl Vincent: From Some Far Reach of Leagueless Space Came a Great Pillar of Flame to Lay Waste and Terrorize the Earth, "The Forgotten Planet", by Sewell Peaslee Wright:The Authentic Account of Why Cosmic Man Damned an Outlaw World to Be, Forever, a Leper of Space, "The Power And The Glory", by Charles W. Diffin: Sadly, Sternly, the Old Professor Reveals to His Brilliant Pupil the Greater Path to Glory. "Murder Madness", by Murray Leinster: More and More South Americans Are Stricken with the Horrible "Murder Madness" That Lies in the Master's Fearful Poison. And Bell Is Their One Last Hope as He Fights to Stem the Swiftly Rising Tide of a Continent's Utter Enslavement.(Part Three of a Four-part Novel), "Jetta Of The Lowlands" by Ray Cummings: Black-Garbed Figures Move in Ghastly Greenness As the Invisible Flyer Speeds on Its Business of Ransom. (Conclusion.), "Vagabonds Of Space" by Harl Vincent: From the Depths of the Sargasso Sea of Space Came the Thought-Warning, "Turn Back!" But Carr and His Martian Friend Found It Was Too Late! (A Complete Novelette.)

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