This image is the cover for the book From Small Acorns Grow Mighty Oaks

From Small Acorns Grow Mighty Oaks

Many years ago the author took part in a long-weekend camping trip on a small island on Lake Nipissing, Ontario, Canada. It was while camping there that he met a man called Dick with his wife, Ann, and their daughter, six-year-old Rebecca. They became firm friends and soon the author was treated as if he were a family member. Later, a sister for Rebecca was born and christened Rachel. The author was honored to be chosen by the family to be Rachel’s godfather.

This story covers the importance of nature, environment, family, friendship, and the essence of a platonic love between people that still holds strong today.

Darrell Dawson, Felicia Tam

Darrell Dawson was born in Bradford, Yorkshire, England in 1938. He attended Woodhouse Grove School, a public school for boys. While serving two years of compulsory National Service in the Royal Navy between 1956 – 1958, he witnessed a hydrogen bomb test explosion above Christmas Island in the Pacific Ocean. He was a manager in technical electronic sales all his working career and emigrated to Canada in 1977, where he still resides on the Atlantic coast.

For ten years all his writing has been based on his life, known as Lifewriting. This is his first attempt at writing a fiction story for children.