This image is the cover for the book Stones


Jason Stouter, formerly of the CIA, and his partner, Sali Bryant, formerly of the FBI, operate a business that advises international corporate travelers on terrorism, and contracts out to the CIA and Homeland Security for various jobs. When Jamie Horgood, a Homeland Security Intelligence Analyst, receives an anonymous tip that a package of jewels is supposed to be turned over to a woman who may be involved in an international kidnapping and human trafficking operation, she has no idea Jason’s quest will eventually lead to the kidnappers of the U.S. President’s daughter, Charise Pearl, and a human trafficking ring. Our two heroes enlist the help of the most successful jewel thief in America, Masen Williams, to identify the gemstones, and eventually use his boat to follow the kidnappers to an island fortress with a huge hidden cave in the Eastern Caribbean that contains the enslaved women and children.

On the other side of the world, in Ukraine, the extremely wealthy owner of a 300-foot superyacht entices beautiful women from the area to come with him to make a new life in America as models and movie stars. It’s a swindle, and the women are destined to become trafficked at exorbitant prices. However, the President’s daughter has been transferred to his yacht and our heroes have to save her, as well as the captives from Ukraine, before the yacht’s owner takes off, leaving the protagonists with no hope of saving Charise Pearl.

James C. Hendee

Dr. James C. (‘Jim’) Hendee worked as a scientist for the U.S. Government for 30 years before retiring in September, 2020. He has authored or co-authored 63 scientific publications, written two novels, been a commercial fisherman in Alaska, an aquaculturist in Hawaii and Texas, a snake-hunter and orchid collector in the Florida Everglades, worked on the Trans-Alaska Pipeline, served in the Peace Corps, worked for three universities, and has been a scuba diver in the Pacific, the Indian, the Arctic, and the Atlantic Oceans (Florida and the Caribbean). He currently lives in Pompano Beach, Florida.

Austin Macauley Publishers