One man’s greed can change the course of history forever… FIFTH CENTURY BC, ATHENS Humble sculptor, Nikodimos, toils away in his workshop to create a sumptuous marble masterpiece of Athena Parthenos destined for the Parthenon. NINETEENTH CENTURY AD, ATHENS Lord Quimby, blinded by greed, plunders the ancient Parthenon of its dearest treasures, watched by his helpless nephew. PRESENT DAY Young Cambridge student, Max Perceval, discovers a dark secret about his late ancestor and realises all is not what it seems in the Museum of Classical Antiquities.
Joanna D‘Este Clark fell in love with the classical world and all things Greek while studying architecture and history of art at a Canadian university. For the last ten years she has been a strong supporter of the BCRPM (British Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Marbles). She is a member of Marbles Reunited, and in 2016 was invited to speak about her exciting new work at the Acropolis Museum in Athens. Joanna lives in London although she dreams of spending a lot more time in Greece. Stones of Destiny is inspired by her passion to see the Parthenon Marbles finally come home.