" Cookery Book A Reliable Guide for Home Cooking, Classics To Go"/>

The "Ideal" Cookery Book A Reliable Guide for Home Cooking, Classics To Go

Excerpt: “Of the making of Cookery Books, we are told, there is no end, but the comparative worthlessness of their contents for practical domestic purposes is no doubt the reason why there is still as great a demand as ever for a thoroughly reliable and up-to-date volume. The little book I now offer to the public, claims to be the best, cheapest, and most useful Culinary Handbook yet produced, and I venture to think its contents will fully justify this assertion. A large proportion of the recipes are my own compilation, and all alike have been carefully revised and repeatedly tested. Every recipe has been arranged with a view to practical usefulness, and may be confidently recommended for ease of preparation, daintiness, and economy. Those who once use the “Ideal Cookery Book,” will afterwards use no other, not because their years have been shortened by bad cooking and unwholesome food, but because they recognise in it all the qualities it claims to possess, and are able by its aid to realize in the home the true “Ideal” of the Culinary Art."

Lilian Clarke

OTB ebook