Orixa of the Stars tells the story of a young princess who is forced to flee from the stars due to a huge vapour storm caused by the Wasenas. These are very small creatures with wings, and they remain so if one does not look at them, but as soon as one gives them any attention they grow and develop hairy bodies with short legs and leech off one’s shoulders and surfaces of asteroids. Hence, Orixa, holding tight to her magical mirror along with her best friend princess Priska, find themselves on the remote island of Shofall on earth. Here, Orixa and Priska are received by Dharkjen, the oldest witch on the island, who has only one hand carrying a stick and who also has a necklace of eyes around her head to see everyone and everything from everywhere! Thence, Orixa travels through five more islands on her quest to build a ship and return to the stars. However, on each island she encounters either the witch Dharkjen or the Wasenas, and sometimes both who subject her to many adversities. Nevertheless, Orixa achieves higher levels of awareness on each of the islands. These are further reflected in songs throughout the story. Will Orixa reach her destination, or will she keep running away from Dharkjen?
M. Shaer is of Jordanian nationality and holds a master’s degree in social policy and planning from LSE through the Chevening Scholarship Award. She attended boarding school at the age of five and prior to the age of tablets. There, in the crypts and hills of the century old school her imagination grew immensely and immersed her in a world of story-telling fantasy. Nevertheless, her main area of work is in social development pertaining to the various sectors of rural development, education, human security, and environment. In this respect, she has worked with a number of international development organizations and donor agencies in the Middle East.