Discover a world where everyday moments bloom into profound reflections in Heather Riches’ evocative collection of poetry, Discovery. Through a tapestry of rich imagery and tender emotions, her poems explore themes of memory, nature, and human connection, capturing both the beauty and the poignancy of life. From the heartfelt simplicity of family ties to the timeless rhythms of the natural world, this collection invites readers to pause and embrace the wonder in the ordinary. Whether you are seeking solace, inspiration, or quiet contemplation, Discovery offers a comforting and insightful journey through the intricacies of the heart and soul. This anthology is the second of a trilogy which moves the narrative on from the first work entitled Voyager. The journey has moved on to the next stage where everyday events become more reflective and, in some cases, greyer due to uncertainty in a newer world. The final offering in the series, Settlement, will see events coming to a more peaceful conclusion.
Heather Riches has compiled a second book of poems, Discovery, as a follow-up to her first compilation, Voyager. Educated in West Yorkshire, she trained as a college lecturer and spent a number of years working in colleges within the South Yorkshire coal fields. She also worked in various other professions including the law, banking and manufacturing. Through marriage and family including grandchildren she, has encountered joy, sorrow, nature and comedy. This volume brings alive her experiences with pathos and wit.