This image is the cover for the book Melting the Ice

Melting the Ice

Hannah McGuire's resort-town life had beenquiet, happy and safe. Until her best friend wasmurdered and the investigation forced her intoa partnership with Dr. Rex Logan—the man she'dloved, lost and been hiding from for six years.Rex had put Hannah's life in danger once before.Now he had to face her again, and this time, toprotect her, he was staying close—very close.Working to expose a terrorist secret that couldthreaten global security, Rex was defenseless inthe face of the powerful passion that stillsimmered between them. But was passionenough? And when Hannah told Rex her ownsecret—that she'd borne him a son—would sheput all their lives in grave danger?

Loreth Anne White

Loreth Anne White is a double RITA nominee, an RT Reviewers' Choice award winner for romantic suspense, and a double Daphne Du Maurier finalist. She hails from southern Africa, but now lives in a ski resort in the moody Coast Mountain range. When she's not writing you will find her skiing, biking or hiking with her Black Dog, and generally trying to avoid the bears. 
