This image is the cover for the book Zen and Shinto

Zen and Shinto

This history of Japanese philosophical traditions underscores the importance of Zen and Shinto to the development of Japanese culture.

How do the Japanese talk about their native philosophy, Shinto, so many years after the Western Allies abolished it as a state religion? What is its relationship to Buddhism, and particularly to Zen? How modern can this very ancient creed ever be? These are some of the questions considered in this analytic work by Dr. Chikao Fujisawa, who specializes in the study of traditional Japanese philosophy and its effect on modern society.

Fujisawa’s work is not only a survey of Zen and Shinto, but also an impassioned plea to restore Shinto as the very substance of Japanese life and thought. At the same time, Zen and Shinto offers new insight into the depth and vitality of Japanese culture, demonstrating its remarkable capacity to assimilate foreign thought and ideas, and thus contribute to the world’s hope for permanent peace.

Chikao Fujisawa

Philosophical Library