Connections in life are necessary to proceed with gaining what you want in life and achieving the best for yourself. Avoiding loneliness and being part of life is the way to stay alive: to maintain conversation and get news from around the world. Negotiation is the only way to achieve what you want in life.
I am a professor (associate) in the field of science at Near East University in Northern Cyprus as a researcher and scientist. I am head of the banking and finance department and coordinate the faculty for the double degree programme. Usually, I am engaging in empirical research in banking, finance, economics and environmental sciences. Recently, I published articles on Resources Policy, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Ekonomska Istraživanja/Economic Research, Financial Innovation, Asia-pacific Journal of Accounting& Economics, International Journal of Financial Studies, Romanian Statistical Review, Journal of Cleaner Production, Renewable Energy and Energy Policy, etc with the highly recognizable and prestigious journals over the world. Also, I have working papers in MPRA to investigate the unique issues that are related to risk management and financial issues. In the meantime, I am also referring to WOS Journals, and I am also the chief editor of the Journal of South Asian Social Studies and Economics.