This image is the cover for the book The Lost Fisherman and Other Poems

The Lost Fisherman and Other Poems

The author was born in Guildford, Surrey, England, in 1949, and spent most of his working life in the insurance industry starting in London. Then in 1973, he moved to Hampshire, finally living on the Hampshire-Dorset border in the market town of Ringwood. His passion for fishing began in Surrey. He developed a deep and lasting bond with the countryside. His early years growing up in the tempestuous atmosphere of his family home in Surrey caused him to regard the countryside, especially the banks of some local river, stream or lake, as places of sanctuary. This helped him to counter the volatile, emotional switchback that was his early life from childhood to young adult.

Kevin Grozier

Born in Guildford, Surrey, England, the author spent most of his early years in the insurance industry working in London and from 1973 onwards in Hampshire where he now lives in Ringwood with his wife, Lin, close to his beloved rivers and the countryside of the New Forest and the Wessex area. Many poems written were lost, destroyed or discarded by the author within days of being created. Following creation, he was uncomfortable with the emotional conditions which led him to write the poems. He took the view that they were written as a personal form of catharsis and were not suitable for a wider audience. It was not until the late 1980s that finding some old papers in a file his wife, Lin, took possession of the surviving work and kept it beyond his reach. By the time of his fiftieth birthday in 1999 the author felt more comfortable and less stigmatised by the work. Few poems were written between 1995 and 2014 as the author was preoccupied with producing his two fishing books Avon Days & Stour Ways published in 2009 and A Keepnet Full of Dreams in 2014. Despite the title, though inspired and often moved by the countryside in which he fishes, this is not a fishing book. It is instead a testament to many years of struggling with his identity.

Austin Macauley Publishers