This image is the cover for the book Interrogation


This surreal, darkly humorous, and relentlessly probing poetry collection resides at “the disorienting juncture between fairy tale and nightmare” (Publishers Weekly).

Suffused in psychology, uncertainty, and desire, Michael Bazzett’s The Interrogation is an unsparingly honest catechism of the self. In the title poem, a speaker—at once questioner and questioned—insistently asks: Who? What? Where? Why? Why our cruelty? Why our loneliness? And how do we connect?

These poems read like disorienting fables and seemingly familiar folktales. In them, we are escorted to dreamlike cities, brought into the rich earth under a simple mattress, and drawn inside the mind, where “Nobody fails at meditation / like I do.”

Michael Bazzett

Michael Bazzett is a poet, teacher, and 2017 National Endowment for the Arts Literature Fellow. His work has appeared in Ploughshares, Massachusetts Review, Pleiades, Guernica, Virginia Quarterly Review, Copper Nickel, The Rumpus, and Best New Poets. You Must Remember This, his debut collection, received the 2014 Lindquist & Vennum Prize for Poetry. Another collection of poems, Our Lands Are Not So Different, is forthcoming from Horsethief Books. He lives in Minneapolis.

Milkweed Editions