Want to be a massively successful entrepreneur? Just take the Entrepreneur Test and discover the key ingredients you are missing. Then add them into your daily habits and massive success will be yours. Colin has identified the specific key ingredients of what it takes to be massively successful and defy the odds, no matter what the external economic factors may be. Whether you’re a start-up or have an established business, the secret ingredients are the same because they apply to you, the entrepreneur. In the Entrepreneur Success Recipe Colin shares with you all of the secrets that he uncovered while working with and studying the habits of thousands of entrepreneurs. This is an “in the trenches” entrepreneurship book written by one of the most sought after emerging business experts in the world. In fact, there’s a reason they refer to Colin as the Business Acceleration Renegade... because he takes a “no holds barred” approach to telling you what you need to do and with the secret ingredients addressed, your business can experience extreme acceleration. Find out what’s keeping you from achieving the ultimate level of success and exceeding your goals consistently year after year...take the Entrepreneurship Test and identify specifically what’s holding you back!
Colin Sprake is a Extreme Business Builder who fully understands how to build businesses in any kind of economy. He has decades of experience in both male- and female-dominated markets and has worked in over seventy countries. Born in South Africa and having both an engineering and business degree, he brought his expertise to North America in 1998 and is now a Canadian citizen and resides in South Surrey, BC. Colin is a vibrant speaker with a huge heart who has helped thousands of small businesses and entrepreneurs. He captivates his audience by delivering marketing, sales, and business strategies, and personal growth tools in very simple and easy-to-understand formats. One thing Colin always guarantees his audiences is that you will walk away from his presentations, no matter how long or short, with tools you can use immediately in your life and business.