This image is the cover for the book The Twinmere Beast

The Twinmere Beast

An ancient horror, dormant for centuries, awakens when an uncharted village is discovered under the sea off the Suffolk coast. Identified as Southmere, the village was lost to the waves over five hundred years ago and never rebuilt, with only the woodland atop the cliff retaining its name. However, a single, ancient map reveals the village’s true name: Twinmere. As a campaign to restore the original name gains traction, a retired priest is filled with dread, knowing the horrors that will be unleashed if the name is changed. Desperate to warn the public, he finds himself unable to reveal the true reason behind his fears, and his warnings are dismissed as the ravings of a senile old man. Now, with the campaign to change the name gathering momentum, the priest must find a way to stop the impending doom before the ancient evil is unleashed upon the world once more.

T G Trouper

T G Trouper lives with his wife in Essex, England. He has one son that lives and works in America. He took up writing while still working in the live music industry, a job that he loved but had to leave to look after ailing parents. He still works part time in the industry, still building and preparing equipment for top musical artists. He is also a singer and guitarist in a couple of local bands. This title, The Twinmere Beast, is his sixth release and the third in a series of horror-inspired stories. Also by T G Trouper: The Astrid series, female-led action thrillers: Astrid book 1: War Changes People Astrid book 2: Good People Do Bad Things Astrid book 3: The Early Missions The horror series: Perfect Strangers The Story, Be Careful What You Read

Austin Macauley Publishers