This image is the cover for the book Astounding Stories Of Super Science August 1931, Classics To Go

Astounding Stories Of Super Science August 1931, Classics To Go

Astounding Stories Of Super Science August 1931 features six Classic Science Fiction Stories from the "Golden Age of Science Fiction". Contents and short description: "Danger From The Deep" by Ralph Milne Farley: Marooned on the Sea-Floor, His Hoisting Cable Cut, Young Abbot Is Left at the Mercy of the Man-Sharks, "Brood Of The Dark Moon" by Charles Willard Diffin: Once More Chet, Walt and Diane Are United in a Wild Ride to the Dark Moon. But This Time They Go as Prisoners of Their Deadly Enemy Schwartzmann. (Beginning a Four-Part Novel), "If The Sun Died" by R.F. Starzl: Tens of Millenniums After the Death of the Sun There Comes a Young Man Who Dares to Open the Frozen Gate of Subterranea, "Midget From The Island" by H.G. Winter: Garth Howard, Prey to Half the Animals of the Forest, Fights Valiantly to Regain His Lost Five Feet of Size. A Complete Novelette), "The Moon Weed" by Harl Vincent: Unwittingly the Traitor of the Earth, Van Pits Himself Against the Inexorably Tightening Web of Plant-Beasts He Has Released from the Moon, "The Port Of Missing Planes" by Captain S. Meek: In the Underground Caverns of the Selom, Dr. Bird Once Again Locks Wills with the Subversive Genius, Saranoff.

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