This image is the cover for the book The Expert Within

The Expert Within

The human mind and how it works, what it thinks and perhaps more importantly, why it thinks what it thinks, is a subject that has fascinated humans from time immemorial. The first scholar to tackle this subject was Aristotle, but he was certainly not the first to wonder and ponder the mysteries of human perception, comprehension and interpretation. Since then psychologists, psychiatrists, philosophers and even novelists, poets and artists have tried in their own inimitable way to penetrate and reveal that most fascinating of all mysteries – the workings of the human mind. This book is the story of a human mind ... not the human mind ... as all authentic stories of the ‘human mind’ must be. This book tells the story of the author’s mind; the only mind of which she can truthfully speak in spite of the fact that she has qualifications in Psychology, Philosophy (Theology) and Journalism. For all that, the qualification upon which she relies most is that of human experience – life and living. In adolescence her mind declined into insanity, lingered there for some years, then painfully and insightfully regained its place in the world of sanity ... only to go on and penetrate the world of formal, academic, or professional (whatever you wish to call it) education/understanding. This book was not written for the edification of those called mental health professionals. It was written to share wisdom and understanding with the ordinary, everyday lay minds of those who care too much to embrace or be embraced by the word ‘professional’.

Emma Pierce

After 13 years of a marriage that produced five children, Emma Pierce was divorced and became a single parent. Necessity and passion drove her to take steps to become a journalist. She worked as a journalist until after she wrote and self-published her first book, Ordinary Insanity. She was then 37 years of age. The book was her autobiography of recovery from mental illness after some seven years of futile professional treatment. Now aged 77, this book is the story, not of a life, but of a mind – her mind – the only mind she says she can truly write about.

Austin Macauley Publishers