This image is the cover for the book Toby, The Bear Who Meditates

Toby, The Bear Who Meditates

Toby is a teddy bear in a toy shop. Longing for a family to live with, he jumps into the arms of his new owner from his shelf in the shop. His adventure leads him to show his new friends a special way of staying happy and calm when things get difficult. What will Toby find at his new home? Who else lives there? And how does he always stay such a peaceful, happy, and loving bear?

Rae Paterson

Rae is the mother of three children and grandmother of six, who lives in Australia. She is a retired psychologist who has also been a teacher. She meditates regularly and finds that it brings her infinite peace and happiness. She would love the current generation of children living in difficult times to also know this peace and happiness.