This image is the cover for the book Lulu and Skeeter get up to Mischief

Lulu and Skeeter get up to Mischief

Lulu and Skeeter are kitten twins who have little adventures in their back garden. Sometimes they get up to mischief together but they are never really naughty, they just have fun and play kitten games. Lulu is a cream-coloured kitten who usually leads in their mischief, whereas Skeeter is a tabby kitten, and even though he is bigger than his sister Lulu, he is a little bit afraid of doing some of the things that Lulu does.

Carole May Brownjohn

Carole has always been a story teller. She kept her fellow students entertained with her tales when she was in primary school. Much later Carole told her stories for many years to school children in Canberra’s primary schools and the children loved them. Later when she retired, she started writing her stories down and found out that Austin Macauley Publishers liked them, and so, the Lulu and Skeeter picture story books were born! Lulu and Skeeter, the Kitten Twins was her first picture story book published by Austin Macauley.