This image is the cover for the book Child of the Grove, Wizard of the Grove

Child of the Grove, Wizard of the Grove

Now available in a new ebook edition, the first novel published by Tanya Huff—author of the acclaimed Blood Books series—a tale of magic and betrayal in a realm where once-powerful magic is fading… and a girl whose gifts may be the key to overcoming an evil not known in an eternity…

In a far-ago age, wizards ruled the world with a power so dark even the Elder races feared them. But when their power caused them to unleash dragons from the depths of the earth itself, they were undone by their own hand, thus freeing the world.

Or so it was thought.

For now, after many years of hard-won peace, the human kingdom of Ardhan is under threat from the dread king of Melac. Yet the real danger is the king’s counselor, Kraydak—a wizard who survived the slaughter of his kind and has waited until now to rise to power once again. But the world will not be as easy to vanquish this time.

For the royal family of Ardhan is no longer merely made of men. They have blended their destiny with the immortals who dwell in the Sacred Grove—a place untouched by darkness or death. And it will fall to the youngest of that enchanted bloodline to stand against the coming. Her name is Crystal. And she is the one thing in the world Kraydak fears…

A wizard.

Tanya Huff

Tanya Huff lives in rural Ontario with her wife Fiona Patton, five cats, and an increasing number of fish. Her 32 novels and 83 short stories include horror, heroic fantasy, urban fantasy, comedy, and space opera. Her BLOOD series was turned into the 22-episodeBlood Ties and writing episode nine allowed her to finally use her degree in Radio & Television Arts. Many of her short stories are available as eCollections. She’s on Twitter at @TanyaHuff and Facebook as Tanya Huff. She has never used her Instagram account and isn’t sure why she has it.

JABberwocky Literary Agency, Inc