In a world ravaged by a religious war that has claimed the lives of billions, scientists race to find a solution in a top-secret lab. Patrick Jarborn is the last hope for humanity, but when the lab is overrun, he and his guardian Gloria must flee for survival. Along the way, they discover Sarah, another test subject with a crucial role in humanity’s future. Together, they embark on a perilous journey through a world they only know from books, facing unimaginable threats as they search for safety. As they navigate the crumbling ruins of civilization, Patrick and Sarah find solace in each other, and hope for a new era of peace. The Last Epitaph is a heart-wrenching tale of survival and the power of love in the face of humanity’s darkest hour.
Born in Mexico City, Mexico in 1966 and nourished in the bosom of a big loving family, Ricardo Lebrija grew up to become a chemical and sound engineer, prompting a 25-year career in radio and television producing, directing, writing, and performing. As an avid traveller and connoisseur of human relations, Ricardo has had the privilege of discovering the world first-hand, knocking elbows with countless cultures and experiencing the joy of being in places imagined only in dreams. He lives in Los Angeles, California, where he still searches for that elusive love, that glimpse of heaven, that spark that fills your heart with the fire that makes life worth living.