This image is the cover for the book Escape from the Valleys

Escape from the Valleys

This is a true and compelling, extremely heart-rendering, factual account of growing up in an impoverished family in the Welsh valleys. An epic journey and adventures make a compelling narrative where the main character, Chrissie, comes across as an original and refreshing 'voice' that is very attractive and appealing. A frank and honest account, her life and love told against the backdrop of the Second World War and the turbulent years thereafter. These factual experiences are very much from the female perspective, allowing sensitive insights into the trials and restraints placed upon women at that time as we see life through the eyes of Chrissie and see her financial, emotional and physical struggles as she strived to bring up a young family whilst also supporting her extended family. Her experiences are observant and informative as a socio-historical study.

Stuart John Mills

Born on the 22nd September 1942, the author was brought up with an impoverished family of eight living in a three-bedroom miner's house, sharing a bed with two up the top and two at the bottom, with no central heating and having to try to sleep on the floor covered by an old, smelly, itchy, horsehair blanket which left you with rashes on your body, legs and arms. Food being in short supply during the Second World War led to many arguments amongst the parents, but were seemingly resolved at the end of each day. And so, life as it was, proceeded on a day-to-day basis.

Austin Macauley Publishers