In this story set in the ‘Dark Ages’ of British history, two brothers – twins Alfred and Leofric – help win a tribal conflict, but faced with ‘a fate worse than death’, they take to the road. They are seeking adventure and fame and are faced with opposition when Alfred falls in love with a beautiful (aren’t they all?) princess. He is challenged to complete a quest to prove he is worthy of her. That’s when the difficulties begin.
Gordon S. Dickson was born near Inverness, Scotland, but left at an early age when his family returned to Northern Ireland.
He was educated at secondary and grammar schools, and scraped through English ‘O’ level, as essay writing was not his strength.
He was employed in the civil service for several years but is now retired and has only recently taken up writing novels. An Impossible Quest: A Bartonshire Tale 2 is his latest novel.
He enjoys reading several genres of books but mainly historical and detective novels, and gardening.
Other books by this author are:
Verdict Unknown
The Sheriff of River Bend
Des Pond, Special Agent
The Wartime Adventures of Harry Harris
– Bartonshire Tale 1
Verdict Unknown, the Sequel