This image is the cover for the book Falling Down Under, Seven Sisters Vineyard

Falling Down Under, Seven Sisters Vineyard

Sometimes rock bottom is the best place to start.

London socialite Georgia Bailey just lost everything—the estranged father who abandoned her after her mother died, the rock-star boyfriend whose career she built from nothing, and her multi-million-dollar fortune.

Now penniless, she’s forced to return to her grandparents’ vineyard in rural Australia and the waitressing job she left behind. But fitting back into her former life isn’t going to be easy, and things aren’t quite the way she left them.

Her teenage sweetheart, now barely speaking to her, is the hot, grumpy chef she has to work for. Her childhood pet is a full-grown kangaroo that won’t stop sunbathing in the parking lot. And the vineyard, as it turns out, is in serious financial trouble.

But Georgia already lost one family this year. She’s not about to lose another one—not if she can help it.

Falling Down Under is a coming-home, second-chance romance recommended for fans of Lauren Landish and Sandra Bullock’s Hope Floats.

Errin Krystal

Errin Krystal is a Wayward Daughter, Whovian, and all-around fangirl who has an unhealthy attachment to fictional characters (including her own) and is way too invested in the love lives of said fictional characters and prone to long rants about such romances. Be it TV, books or video games. She's a mum to two beautiful children, happily married, and a chef. She and her family live in regional Victoria, Australia.

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