The wondrous planet Zalan, lying far beyond the brim of known space, has but one detriment to its unprecedented beauty: the shockingly unpredictable, raging-red lightning storms that spawn the murderous fiery bolt able to fell any unprotected man, beast, or home. It is on a night when one such storm rages that a stranger arrives at the Tavern on the Hill, in Zalan’s old world sector. A sinister, deadly, fascinating stranger, who rashly mocks the screaming bolt and wakes old, primeval superstitions and fears, and new nameless dreads, in the locals gathered at the hearth. The stranger also holds the lovely, gentle, innocent daughter of the innkeeper in special thrall. He lures her along dark, forbidden paths to an exquisitely evil, unhallowed place, where beguiling dreams are deviously entwined with nightmares. It is here that she is to be terribly transformed, and where an unimaginable fate is waiting for her, her loved ones, and eventually... the entire planet.
Writing has always been a part of Celesta’s life. She started when she was only seven years old and hasn’t stopped since. Whereas other people may have travelled around the world, to amazing and far-off places, Celesta has travelled into her mind to places more intriguing than them all. She had access to vast vistas of wonder and endless thrilling challenges. She had the ability to create characters and bring them to life. The biggest thrill of all being the countless situations where she could have limitless scope. She has travelled inestimably far. She couldn’t do anything else but write. She wouldn’t do anything else.