This image is the cover for the book Transcending the Color Line

Transcending the Color Line

A moral and philosophical approach to the stubborn problem of racism.

Transcending the Color Line by sociologist and professor Bobby E. Mills, PhD, represents a philosophical attempt to make sense out of American black collective experience. These essays do not reflect traditional sociological perspectives and methodological considerations. Instead, the query is: How do we live? And more importantly, what are we willing to sacrifice in order to live the way we say we want to live? In other words, this collection digs deeper into the moral and spiritual issues that lie beneath the more obvious sociological ones.

Invariably the search for moral understanding and spiritual meaning is neither easy nor popular. Yet it is the abstract, empirical (amoral and apolitical) character of traditional sociology that has all but rendered it irrelevant to the resolution of contemporary social ills. The biased theoretical assumptions of the scientific method (i.e., abstract empiricism) are the social basis for the collective bias otherwise known as the illusion of value neutrality. This collective cultural bias is the social foundation for institutional racism, sexism, theological dogmatism (i.e., denominationalism), and above all, authoritarianism. Indeed, every “ism” is a schism, and schisms divide. Our either/or logic fosters cultural extremism rather than a universal perspective on humanity.

By digging deep to the true source of our sociological and leadership issues, these essays not only call black and white individuals accountable to the dysfunction present in our shared social experience, but inspire all people to transcend the color line and become part of the solution.

Bobby E. Mills

Bobby Eugene Mills received his BD degree in theology at Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School and his PhD in sociology from Syracuse University. An advocate for historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs), Dr. Mills taught college-level sociology courses for more than thirty-five years.

Morgan James Publishing