This image is the cover for the book God, Who Are You Anyway?

God, Who Are You Anyway?

We can trace all our human problems to our view of God.

In one of his greatest contributions to the Body of Christ, Bill Bright addresses questions that Christians of all paths ask. These questions include:

Do your experiences shape how you see God? or Does your view of God shape how you see your experiences?Do you experience daily the joy and peace Jesus promised all his followers? or Are you stuck on an emotional rollercoaster driven by today’s events?”

God, Who Are You Anyway teaches Christians how to deepen their view of God. Readers learn to see problems as opportunities to see God work.

Bill Bright, Brad Bright

Bill Bright (October 19, 1921 – July 19, 2003) was the founder and past President of Campus Crusade for Christ International, the largest worldwide mission organization in modern history. He wrote over 100 books and booklets, including his Gospel presentation, The Four Spiritual Laws, and was the impetus behind the JESUS film.Brad Bright is Dr. Bill Bright’s youngest son and is the President of Bright Media Foundation. Brad currently resides in Orlando, Florida.

Morgan James Publishing