Are you ready to truly live your rock star life?
When stress plays a bigger role in your life than happiness, and when there’s no time for you or the things you love, it’s time to make a change!
Do these sound like you?
“I feel like something is missing in my life.”“I take care of everyone but me.”“I’m running in place and running out of time.”“I’m just not happy.”“I’m sick of trying things that don’t work.”“When will things get better?” We all have times when we can’t get out of our own way and life gets us down. If you’re finding that you have more of those days than “Woohoo! I’m on top of the world!” days, here’s some great news: it is so possible to feel (and live) better. Dr. Hallett knows exactly what you need. As a clinical psychologist and life coach, she has spent over 20 years helping people to live their best lives. If your day-to-day isn’t all you hoped for, and if you want to let go of stress and live a truly fabulous life, Own Best Friend is the book for you.
Dr. Kristina Hallett is an Executive Coach, Keynote Speaker,Board-Certified Clinical Psychologist and Associate Professor of Psychology atBay Path University. She is the authorof Own Best Friend: Eight Steps to a Lifeof Purpose, Passion, and Ease. Dr.Hallett has a wealth of experience in speaking, teaching and coaching. Dr.Hallett speaks internationally in several areas - leadership, work-lifebalance, resilience, communication, self-care, mentoring, and living your bestlife. Dr. Hallett has her doctorate inClinical Psychology and is a Fellow of the American Academy of ClinicalPsychology. She is active in theLeadership Institute for Women in Psychology, the National Association ofProfessional Women, the American Psychological Association and the E-WomenNetwork. Dr. Hallett is the go-to expert for helping driven professionalsre-energize, revitalize, decrease stress and ditch self-doubt, so they can findtrue work-life synergy. Her specialty isguiding clients off the roller-coaster ride of multiple roles andresponsibilities into embracing a fulfilling life of heart-centered purpose andjoy. Dr. Hallett's coaching supportswomen's transformation from "aspiration to reality" through practical, easy-to-implementstrategies. Instead of learning ways tojuggle the needs of everyone else, Dr. Hallett's clients master radicalself-care and empowerment by valuing themselves. She is known for her approachable style,ready smile and genuine commitment to achievable solutions that work.