This image is the cover for the book Texas-Sized Secrets

Texas-Sized Secrets

At five months pregnant, Mona Grainger was facing danger on allfronts. With cattle rustlers driving her ranch to ruin, she neededa man ready for long hours and hard work. Enter Reed Bryson,who could ride, rope, kiss…and certainly handle a gun.His new boss may have depended on him more than she'd liked,but Reed wasn't hired to do her dirty work. She could do thatherself. He was there to defend her land and cool down thehot-headed sheriff, whose advances threatened everything Monaheld dear. Now the lone cowboy had more than his honor touphold—he had a petite, pregnant powerhouse running hissenses wild.

Elle James

Raised an Air Force brat, Elle James got her work ethic from her dad, creativity from mom and inspiration from her sister. As a member of the reserves, she's traveled, managed a career, and raised three children. She and her husband even raised ostriches and emus. Ask her what it's like to go toe-to-toe with a 350-pound bird! Former manager of computer programmers, Elle is happy to write full time in NW Arkansas.
