This image is the cover for the book Moving Stills

Moving Stills

‘How did I go from a bold, sassy teenager to a woman afraid to get out of bed?’ laments Paula, 30 and desolate. These 38 strikingly diverse stories reveal the origins of her pain, then lead us through her sometimes difficult, often exhilarating journey toward health. Although inspired by events in her own life, Ms. Slatkin has created in Paula a vibrant fictional narrator. The writing is fast-paced, forthright, and laced with sometimes startling situations. Humour abounds. Paula is an honest spirit, and some stories deal openly with raw emotional experiences. The narrative texture, though rich in dialogue, is poetic in its use of imagery. Despite some difficult subject matter, there is an uplifting zest and vigour throughout the collection.

Marcia Slatkin

Marcia Slatkin, a former English teacher, is currently a photographer, photo-collagist, and cellist. She lives in Rhinebeck, New York, with her longtime partner, Dan Maciejak, a farmer and landscape architect. They grow vegetables and flowers, cook, and worry about politics.

Her three full-length poetry books have been published over the past two decades. A Woman Milking, Barnyard Poems (Word Press, 2006) focuses on a decade of goat-milking and cheese-making on a ¾-acre Long Island suburban plot. Not Yet, A Care-Giving Collage (SFA State University Press, 2012) describes four healing years during which she cared for her mother, an Alzheimer’s patient. Cheese After Fukushima: Poems for a Changing Planet (SFASU Press, 2017) aims to instill active awareness of climate change. Her one-act plays, many of which were produced in off-off Broadway theatres in the 90s, are not yet published.

The stories in this current volume revolve around a familiar human scenario: you get hurt, scarring causes mistakes, but hopefully you’ll work to understand your reality and pull yourself out of the mire. We watch Ms. Slatkin’s narrator, Paula, struggle along this axis. As she ages, her voice matures. Ms. Slatkin has created a reliable narrator – unflinchingly honest, open, unjaded, with a questing, philosophical spirit. She capably guides us through 38 diverse and idiosyncratic fictions.

Judaism, both as a spiritual possibility and cultural practice, plays a role in several of the stories and sometimes becomes pivotal to the motivations of key characters. All the action takes place in suburban northeastern USA. Ms. Slatkin’s family includes her longtime partner, Dan, a landscape architect and farmer, and her smart, brave, devoted children: retired English teacher Heidi; her Australian husband, Fintan, an NY Botanical Garden rock garden specialist; their sprightly daughter, Imogen, 9; and Becky, who emigrated to England 20 years ago and is an occupational therapist in London. In close contact with their mom, they bring her security and joy.

Austin Macauley Publishers