This image is the cover for the book Reflections


Reflections takes readers on an honest journey through dealing with fears, coming to term with illness, facing death, and acceptance.

Reflections is a gripping story written from two perspectives: Brian Hobbs, a songwriter with a terminal cancer diagnosis with months to live, and Fia Hobbs, his caregiving wife as well as his therapist.

They share with readers their journey through hope, despair, and finally to peace and acceptance. During Brian’s illness, he wrote down his thoughts and feelings in a blog that became a huge inspiration for people to let go of their own fears and to find purpose in their own lives. Reflections is a continuation of Brian’s blog and helps to inspire readers to make them realize what matters in life as they follow his last months.

Brian Hobbs, Fia Hobbs

Fia Hobbs is an international speaker and expert on stress management integrating body, mind, and spirit with 30 years of experience. She is a counseling therapist specializing in cancer wellness, and she is the founder of a Swedish nonprofit organization called Fonden Cancerfriskvård, Foundation for Cancer Wellness. Fia has been featured in Swedish newspapers and magazines numerous times throughout her career. She currently resides in Stockholm, Sweden.

Morgan James Publishing