This image is the cover for the book Rebel and Miss Jones

Rebel and Miss Jones

Plain Jane Sara Jones cherishes the quiet life, and is most certainly unfamiliar with danger. So when she finds her life literally in jeopardy, and she is rescued by what can only be described as a risk-taking stranger, she feels as if she's in her very own superhero movie!

As she gets to know Dr. Reece Fletcher, Sara blossoms under his mischievous and rebellious gaze. With each passing day he begins to awaken a firecracker she didn't know existed!

Annie Claydon

Cursed with a poor sense of direction and a propensity to read, Annie Claydon spent much of her childhood lost in books. A degree in English Literature followed by a career in computing didn’t lead directly to her perfect job—writing romance for Mills & Boon—but she has no regrets in taking the scenic route. She lives in London: a city where getting lost can be a joy.
