After the destructive galactic wave decimates the planet of Obsidian, a sinister new element of man begins to roam the planets subterranean mines and catacombs. The survivors group together in a vain attempt to defend themselves against the rising power of what they perceive to be awakened evil personified. As evil spreads, taking over many, frantic battles against the spreading shadow are fought in an ever increasingly desperate fight. One thing is for certain, the self-proclaimed leader of Obsidians underworld, Gabriella Norton understands one simple fact, the malevolence must never escape Obsidian’s surface to infect the Galaxy. The weight of mankind’s future rests on her shoulders. YOU SHALL BE SAVED
Daniel D. Longdon lives in Derbyshire, England with his partner, Emma, and two boys, Nathan and Kyle. He also has a son, Connah, who recently provided Daniel with his first grandson (Jace). Daniel is a prolific writer, he is currently working on his 11th book, the second book of war, which is all part of his greater universe, he has vowed to not stop until he completes his story planned for 27 books. Daniel is Pagan by religion. His beliefs greatly influence his writings and he loves how his story evolves as he is writing it, almost as if it writes itself at times.