On June 6, 1944, tens of thousands of American soldiers, sailors, and airmen assaulted the German held coast of France at Normandy. Some were killed, some wounded, and all of them were changed as the battles raged against Rommel and his defenders. They fell for yards of sandy beaches, for critical roads, bridges, villages, towns, and cities. Together, we will travel to those places, and we will relive all the bravery and horror, all the mistakes and honor, as we learn their stories - Chasing Rommel.
Amelia McNutt is a hardworking researcher and writer. Traveling to the sites of America’s military history she finds the lesser-known places, people, and stories that are hidden in America’s military history. Amelia engages the reader to follow her into these overlooked, little-known, under-reported, and quite fascinating events. Think you know the story – read on and find out what really happened. She introduces the reader to compelling, unpredictable events that will intrigue the learned and novice students of military history.