This image is the cover for the book Wicked Attraction

Wicked Attraction

On All Hallows Eve, uptight Lianne Perry finds herself drawn to the bright lights of Club Hypnotic. All she wants is a simple drink; what she gets is so much more.

Ravenna Blake, owner of Club Hypnotic, effortlessly begins to work her charms on Lianne the moment they meet. With Ravenna’s cocky personality, mesmerizing good looks, and audacious behavior, how can Lianne possibly resist?

But the mysterious Ravenna isn’t what she seems, as Lianne soon comes to learn. Ravenna has her secrets, but Lianne is concealing some of her own. As the night wears on, Lianne isn’t sure what she wants, or even what she believes. Is it possible for these two strangers to make a little magic of their own?

Joann Lee